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上一条:何 飞


刘 鹏 系主任






E-mail: liupeng@nwu.edu.cn



研究工作以人的动作执行功能为核心,运用行为实验、事件相关电位(Event-related Potential, ERP)、事件相关振荡(Event-related Oscillation, ERO)、脑电微状态以及脑电溯源等技术,考察不安全行为的认知加工机制,以期从认知神经科学视角为安全管理以及应急管理的工作作出贡献。目前,在应用心理学专业招收硕士研究生,欢迎本科为心理学、管理学及各类理工科专业的同学报考。





2018年5月至今西北大学公共管理学院 副教授

2014年12月至2018年4月西北大学公共管理学院 讲师


1.Liu, P.,Zheng, J., Wang, Y., Chen, L., Lin, L., & Wang, Y. (2023). Motor inhibition impacts the motor interference effect of dangerous objects based on a prime-target grasping consistency judgment task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 193, 112248. [SSCI, IF (2022) = 3.0; JCR二区]

2.Liu, P.,Zheng, J., Wang, J., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Lin, L., & Wang, Y. (2023). Imitation of Touching Dangerous Animals Triggers Motor Inhibition in a Primed Target Grasping-Categorization Task. Journal of Motor Behavior, 55(4), 410–422.[SSCI, IF (2022) = 1.4; JCR四区]

3. Wang, J., &Liu, P.(通讯作者)(2023). Investigating the cognitive processing of tools: Effects of dangerousness and directionality on attentional biases. Consciousness and Cognition, 115, 103580. [SSCI, IF (2022) = 2.4; JCR二区]

4. Cao, G., &Liu, P.(通讯作者)(2021). Arousal modulates the motor interference effect stimulated by pictures of threatening animals. PeerJ, 9, e10876. [SCI, IF (2020) = 2.38; JCR二区]

5. Cao, R., Cao, G., &Liu, P.(通讯作者)(2020).Increasing Perceptual Salience Diminishes the Motor Interference Effect from Dangerous Objects. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(March).[SSCI, IF (2019) = 2.067; JCR二区]

6.Liu, P.,Wang, X., Cao, G., Li, J., Zhang, J., & Cao R. (2018) A sequential trial effect based on the motor interference effect from dangerous objects: An ERP study. Brain and Behavior, e01112.[SCI, IF (2017) = 2.219; JCR三区]

7.Liu, P.(2018). Time-frequency analysis of event-related potentials associated with the origin of the motor interference effect from dangerous objects. Brain Research, 1682, 44–53.[SCI, IF (2017) = 3.125; JCR二区]

8.Liu, P.,Cao, R., Chen, X., & Wang, Y. (2017). Response inhibition or evaluation of danger? An event-related potential study regarding the origin of the motor interference effect from dangerous objects. Brain Research, 1664, 63–73. [SCI, IF (2017) = 3.125; JCR二区]

9.Liu, P.,Cao, R., Wang, S., Zheng, Z., & Wang, Y. (2016). Mechanisms for the object-based negative compatibility effect: voluntary versus involuntary inhibition. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28(2), 220–233. [SSCI, IF (2015) = 1.892; JCR三区]

10. Wang, Y.,Liu, P (共同一作).,Zhao, J., Wang, Y., & Zhao, L. (2016). Does response link updating contribute to the negative compatibility effect? Acta Psychologica, 166, 42–48. [SSCI, IF (2015) = 1.816; JCR二区]

11.Liu, P., Chen, X., Dai, D., Wang, Y., & Wang, Y. (2014). A subliminal inhibitory mechanism for the negative compatibility effect: a continuous versus threshold mechanism. Experimental Brain Research, 232(7), 2305–2315. [SCI, IF (2013) = 2.168; JCR三区]

12.Liu, P., & Wang, Y. (2014). Perceptual and motor contributions to the negative compatibility effect. Acta Psychologica, 153, 66–73. [SSCI, IF (2013) = 2.367; JCR二区]

13.刘鹏,王勇慧,王永春,魏连玉,狄美琳(2014).注意转移在负相容效应产生中的作用:独立还是伴随.心理与行为研究, 12(5), 593–600. [CSSCI]

14. Wang, Y.,Liu, P.,Yao, Z., & Wang, Y. (2020). Why Do you Often Stop your Impulsive Behavior at the Last Moment? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 27(3), 498–503.[SSCI, IF (2019) = 3.91; JCR一区]

15. Wang, Y., Wang, Y.,Liu, P., Wang, J., Gong, Y., Di, M., & Li, Y. (2018). Critical role of top-down processes and the push-pull mechanism in semantic single negative priming. Consciousness and Cognition, 57, 84–93.[SSCI, IF (2017) = 2.272; JCR二区]

16. Wang, Y., Wang, Y.,Liu, P., Di, M., Gong, Y., & Tan, M. (2017). The Role of Representation Strength of the Prime in Subliminal Visuomotor Priming. Experimental Psychology, 64(6), 422–431.[SSCI, IF (2016) = 1.829; JCR三区]

17. Wang, Y., Wang, Y.,Liu, P.,Di, M., Gong, Y., Zhao, L., & Chen, Q. (2017). Response readiness modulates the development of association-based automaticity in masked priming. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(3), 820–832. [SCI/SSCI, IF (2016) = 1.863; JCR三区]

18. Wang, Y., Wang, Y.,Liu, P.,Dai, D., Di, M., & Chen, Q. (2016). The availability of attentional resources modulates the inhibitory strength related to weakly activated priming. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 78(6), 1655–1664. [SCI/SSCI, IF (2015) = 1.782; JCR三区]

19. Chen, X., Pan, Z., Wang, P., Yang, X.,Liu, P.,& You, X. (2016). The integration of facial and vocal cues during emotional change perception: EEG markers. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(7), 1152–1161. [SSCI, IF (2015) = 5.101; JCR一区]

20. Zhao, J., Wang, Y., Liu, D., Zhao, L., &Liu, P.(2015). Strength of object representation: its key role in object-based attention for determining the competition result between Gestalt and top-down objects. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 77(7), 2284–2292. [SCI/SSCI, IF (2014) = 2.168; JCR三区]

21. Wang, Y., Zhao, J.,Liu, P., Wei, L., & Di, M. (2014). Inhibitory mechanisms in single negative priming from ignored and briefly flashed primes: The key role of the inter-stimulus interval. Consciousness and Cognition, 29, 235–247. [SSCI, IF (2013) = 2.235; JCR二区]


1. 2023.01 – 2026.12国家自然科学基金面上项目(认知神经科学视角下的安全管理:不安全行为的双通路加工机制及干预研究,项目号:72271197)

2. 2017.01 – 2019.12国家自然科学基金青年项目(生产设备中危险物体对动作的抑制作用及调控因素,项目号:71601153)

3. 2021.06 – 2024.06教育部人文社科规划基金项目(危险物体引发动作干扰效应的双通路加工机制及调控因素,项目号:21XJA190003)

4. 2016.06 – 2019.06教育部人文社科青年基金项目(危险客体对动作的抑制作用及影响因素,项目号:16YJC190014)

5. 2019.01 – 2020.12陕西省教育厅专项科研项目(注意资源分配对危险物体引发动作干扰效应的调控作用,项目号:19JK0827)

6. 2016.01 – 2017.12陕西省教育厅专项科研项目(承载动作表征信息的客体的抑制机制研究,项目号:16JK1715)

7. 2015.06 – 2017.06西北大学科研基金资助项目(NW15011)



2.发表论文《Does response link updating contribute to the negative compatibility effect?》获得陕西省第十三次哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类三等奖

3.发表论文《Critical role of top-down processes and the push-pull mechanism in semantic single negative priming》获得陕西省第十四次哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类三等奖

4.发表论文《Why Do you Often Stop your Impulsive Behavior at the Last Moment?》获得陕西高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果三等奖

5.发表论文《Inhibitory mechanisms in single negative priming from ignored and briefly flashed primes: The key role of the inter-stimulus interval》获得陕西高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果二等奖







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