Amurkulov, the Sixth National MP of Kyrgyzstan,Chairman of theNationalParliamentaryCommittee forTransportation,Design andConstruction, andChairman of theNationalParliamentarySocial DemocraticParty, wasappointed asaguest professorby NWU on May 14th,2018. The ceremonywas held on Taibai Campus, followed by hisreportentitled“Sino-KyrgyzstanRelations in theNewEra”.PresidentGuo Lihongattended the ceremony and issuedthe Letter ofAppointment.
In his speech, Guo Lihong reviewedNWU’spragmaticcollaboration withthe Central Asian countriesin variousfields. President Guolooks forwardto continuous and in-depthdiscussions withAmurkulov on strengthening the cooperation and exchanges betweenNWUand the Kyrgyzstanside, andmaking new contributions tothe deepeningoffriendship between China and Kyrgyzstanand the construction of the“Belt and Road”Initiative.
Inhisreport, Amurkulovmentioned that thebilateral political trust and friendly relationshave beenincreasingly strengthenedsince the establishment of diplomatic relation in 1992. In particular, the“Belt and Road"Initiativeproposed byChinesePresident Xi Jinpingprovided unprecedented opportunities for exchanges and cooperation. Extensivecollaborationsin fields such aspolitics,economy, science and technology, security, humanities and educationhave beendeepened. At present, China has become one of the largest trading partners andsource of investment countries in Kyrgyzstan. China has helped Kyrgyzstan to build a number of infrastructure and livelihood projects, making important contributionsto the development of Kyrgyzstan. Amurkulov believes that the current focus of Sino-Kyrgyzstan cooperation is toimplement the signedagreements and to continue to deepen new cooperation in many fields. He highly appraised the multi-facetpragmatic cooperation betweenNWUand the Kyrgyzstanside, especially for the establishment of theZhongda China Petro College, a subordinate school of theCentral AsiaInstitute, Northwest University in Kyrgystan.Amurkulov expressed hisheartfeltappreciationto the appointment and promisedto further promotethe cooperation betweenthe two sides in the future.
Amurkulovgraduated fromFrunze Institute of Political Science,the Soviet Union. He was once the assistant to VicePresident of Kyrgyzstan, firstDeputyPrimeMinister,General Inspector ofKyrgyzstan,Minister ofEducation, Minister ofRailway,the National MP from thefirst to fourthsessions,andmayor of Bishkek.He is at present theSixth National MP,Chairman of theNationalParliamentaryCommittee forTransportation,Design andConstruction,and Chairman of theNationalParliamentarySocial DemocraticParty.He is also theSecond Level NationalAdvisor,awarded the “RailwayMan” National Medal.