2019- 今 ,西北大学生命科学与医学部 副教授
2013-2019 西北大学生命科学与医学部 讲师
2019 陕西省科技厅青年项目(2019JQ-538)
2018 陕西省教育厅青年项目(18JK0796)
2015 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31401081)
(1)Lei Lei; Jun Yang; Jianan Zhang; Guodong Zhang*; The lipid peroxidationproduct EKODE exacerbates colonic inammation and colon tumorigenesis,RedoxBiology, 2021, 101880: 2213-2317
(2) Shuzhen Liu; Qing Cao; Guoyan An; Bianbian Yan;Lei Lei*; Identification of the 3-lncRNA Signature as a Prognostic Biomarker for Colorectal Cancer,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 2020(21): 0-9359
(3)Lei Lei*; Guoyan An; Ziqing Zhu; Shuzhen Liu; Yutong Fu; Xiaonan Zeng;Qing Cao; Bianbian Yan; C8orf48 inhibits the tumorigenesis of colorectal cancerby regulating the MAPK signaling pathway,Life Sciences, 2020, 266(2021):0-118872.
(4) Qing Cao#; Zewen Dong#; Shuzhen Liu; Guoyan An; Bianbian Yan;Lei Lei*;Construction of a metastasis-associatedceRNA network reveals a prognostic signaturein lung cancer;Cancer Cell Int(2020) 20:208
(5)Lei Lei; Xiaojuan Zhao; Shuzhen Liu; Qing Cao; Bianbian Yan; Jin Yang*; MicroRNA-3607 inhibits the tumorigenesis of colorectal cancer bytargeting DDI2 and regulating the DNA damage repair pathway,Apoptosis, 2019,24(7-8): 662-672.
(6) Hongjuan He; Xiaojuan Zhao; Ziqing Zhu; Le Du; Erfei Chen;Shuzhen Liu; Qiqi Li; Jing Dong; Jin Yang;Lei Lei*; MicroRNA-3191 promotesmigration and invasion by downregulating TGFBR2 in colorectal cancer,Journalof Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 2019, 33(6): 0-e22308.
(7) Hongjuan He#;Lei Lei#; Chen Erfei; Xu Xiaona; Wang Lili; Pan Junqiang;Yang Fangfang; Wang Min; Dong Jing; Yang Jin*; The screening of the functionalmicroRNA binding site SNPs in sporadic colorectal cancer genes,CancerBiology and Therapy, 2017, 18(6): 407-413.
(8)Lei Lei; Yang Ying; He Hongjuan; Chen Erfei; Du Le; Dong Jing; Yang Jin*; Flavan-3-ols consumption and cancer risk: A meta-analysis of epidemiologicstudies,Oncotarget, 2016, 7(45): 73573-73592.