[1]Wei Zhou*, Caiwen Ma, Tong Yao, Peng Chang, Qi Zhang and Arjan Kuijper . Histograms of Gaussian normal distribution for 3D feature matching in cluttered scenes[J]. The Visual Computer, 2019, 35(4): 489-505.(CCF图形学指定期刊)
[2]Wei Zhou*, Caiwen Ma and Arjan Kuijper. Hough-space-based hypothesis generation and hypothesis verification for 3D object recognition and 6D pose estimation[J]. Computers & Graphics, 2018, 72: 122-134.(CCF图形学指定期刊)
[3]Wei Zhou*, Caiwen Ma, Shenghui Liao, Jinjing Shi, Tong Yao, Peng Chang andArjan Kuijper. Feature Fusion Information Statistics for feature matching in cluttered scenes[J]. Computers & Graphics, 2018, 77: 50-64.(CCF图形学指定期刊)
[4]Wei Zhou*, Xingxing Hao, Kaidi Wang, Zhengyang Zhang, Yongxiang Yu, Haonan Su, Kang Li*, Xin Cao* and Arjan Kuijper. Improved estimation of motion blur parameters for restoration from a single image[J]. Plos one, 2020, 15(9): e0238259.
[5] Xin Cao, Jun Zhang, Jianan Yang, Chunxiao Fan, Fengjun Zhao,Wei Zhou*, Lin Wang, Guohua Geng, MingquanZhou, and Xueli Chen*. A deep unsupervised clustering-based post-processing framework for high-fidelity Cerenkov luminescence tomography[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128(19): 193104.
[6] Yao Hu, Guohua Geng, Kang Li*,Wei Zhou*, Xingxing Hao and Xin Cao. SRG-Net: Unsupervised Segmentation for Terracotta Warrior Point Cloud with 3D Pointwise CNN methods[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.00433, 2020.
[7] Guohua Geng, Jie Liu, Xin Cao*, Yangyang Liu,Wei Zhou, Fengjun Zhao, LinzhiSu, Kang li* and Mingquan Zhou. Simplification method for 3D Terracotta Warrior fragments based on local structure and deep neural networks[J]. JOSA A, 2020, 37(11): 1711-1720.
[8] Kaidi Wang, Xiuqin Sua*, Zhe Li, Shaobo Wua,Wei Zhou, Rui Wang,Songmao Chen and Xuan Wang. Generation of non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence phase screen using intrinsic embedding fractional Brownian motion method[J]. Optik, 2020, 207: 164444.
[9] Cheng Yao, Qinglei Zhao*, Zelong Ma,Wei Zhouand Tong Yao. Design and Simulation of an Intelligent Current Monitoring System for Urban Rail Transit[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 35973-35978.
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