主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等)、陕西省重点研发计划项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目各1项,参与国家863项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目等科研项目,主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目2项。在《Pattern Recognition》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《Multimedia Tools and Applications》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《西安交通大学学报》和《机器人》等学术期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文60余篇。
[1]Tang HY, Zhu JH,Wang L, Zheng QH, Zhang TW. Multi-level query interaction for temporal language grounding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, available online.
[2]Zhu X, Liu X,Wang L*(通信作者), Guo ZP, Wang J, Wang RZ, Sun YF. Temporal-spatial feature compensation combines with multi-feature discriminators for video super-resolution perceptual quality improvement[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2021, 30(5): 053005.
[3]Guo R, Chen JQ,Wang L. Hierarchical K-means clustering for registration of multi-view point sets[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2021, 94: Article 107321.
[5]Li YY, Zhang JC, Niu JP, Zhou Y,Wang L. Computational implementation and asymptotic statistical performance analysis of range frequency autocorrelation function for radar high-speed target detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2020, 6: 1297-1308.
[7]Liang YS, Ren ZG, He M,Wang L, Cao JF, Chen A, Pang B. An efficient estimation of distribution algorithm with rank-one modification and population reduction[J]. BioSystems, 2019, 181: 58-70.
[8]Zheng J, Gao L*, Wang H,Wang L* (共同通信作者), Xu PF, Li XY, Jiang B, Yang XD. Joint downlink and uplink edge computing offloading in ultra-dense HetNets[J]. Mobile Networks & Applications, 2019, 24(5): 1452–1460.
[9]Fan XL,Wang L*(通信作者). Image defogging approach based on incident light frequency[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78(13): 17653-17672.
[10]Zhou Y,Wang L, Li YY, Wen C, Jiang B. A fast iterative three-dimensional joint domain localized method in airborne MIMO radar[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2019, 38(7): 3370-3383.
[11]Ren ZG, Liang YS, Zhang AM, Yang Y, Feng ZR,Wang L. Boosting cooperative coevolution for large scale optimization with a fine-grained computation resource allocation strategy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 49(12): 4180-4193.
[12]Zhou Y,Wang L, Chen XX, Wen C, Jiang B, Fang DY. An improving EFA for clutter suppression by using the persymmetric covariance matrix estimation[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2018, 37(9): 4136–4149.
[13]Ren ZG, Liang YS,Wang L, Zhang AM, Pang B, Li BY. Anisotropic adaptive variance scaling for Gaussian estimation of distribution algorithm[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 146: 142-151.
[14]Fan XL, Jia HL,Wang L*(通信作者), Xu PF. Energy balance based uneven cluster routing protocol using ant colony taboo for wireless sensor networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2017, 97(1): 1305-1321.
[15]Zhu JH, Zhu L, Jiang ZT, Bai XX, Li ZY,Wang L. Local to global registration of multi-view range scans using spanning tree[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017, 58: 477-488.
[16]Wen Y, Li Y, Zhang XH, Shi WZ,Wang L, Chen JW. A weighted full-reference image quality assessment based on visual saliency[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2017, 43: 119-126.
[19]曹建福,汪霖.模块化工业机器人嵌入式控制系统的研究[J].控制工程,2013,20(2):289- 294.
[20]Wang L, Cao JF, Han CZ. Multidimensional particle swarm optimization-based unsupervised planar segmentation algorithm of unorganized point clouds[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45(11): 4034-404.
[21]Wang L, Cao JF. A look-ahead and adaptive speed control algorithm for high-speed CNC equipment[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 63(5-8): 705-717.
[22]Wang L, Cao JF, Li YQ. Speed optimization control method of smooth motion for high-speed CNC machine tools[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 49(1-4): 313-325.
[1]Wen C,Wang L, Huang Y. Slow-time FDA-MIMO radar space-time adaptive processing[C]. IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2020 Fall), 2020, Victoria, Canada, Nov. 18-Dec. 16, 2020.
[2]Zhou Y, Li YY,Wang L, Wen C, Nie WK. The compressed nested array for underdetermined DOA estimation by fourth-order difference coarry[C]. 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2020, Barcelona, Spain, May 4-8, 2020.
[3]Zhang JL, Cao JF, Wu J,Wang L. Fault diagnosis for transmission system of large equipment using nonlinear output frequency response function [C]. 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2018), 2018, Guiyang, China, July 2-4, 2018.
[4]Wang XS, Pang SM, Zhu JH, Wang JX,Wang L. An efficient aggregation method of convolutional features for image retrieval [C]. The 3rd International Symposium on Artificail Intelligence and Robotics (ISAIR2018), 2018, Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2018 (Best Paper Award).
[5]Zhang JL, Cao JF,Wang L*(通信作者). Nonlinear spectrum estimation for closed-loop system[C]. 37th Chinese control conference (CCC2018), 2018, Wuhan, China, July 25-27, 2018: 5924-5928.
[6]Zhou Y, Wen C,Wang L, Li YY. The space-time adaptive processing method with generalized sidelobe canceler structure by using the Lp-norm regularization[C]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2018), 2018: 889-892.
[7]Zhou J, Zhou Y,Wang L, Jiang B, Wen C. The ground clutter canceller based on the clutter recovery in airborne MIMO radar[C]. International Conference on Electronic Industry and Automation (EIA 2017), 2017, Xiamen, China, July 14-16, 2017: 186-190.
[8]Li YY, Zhang WX, Cao JF, Peng JL, Jiang B,Wang L*(通信作者). 3D laser scanner calibration method based on invasive weed optimization and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[C]. 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), 2017, Xi’an, China, August 20-23, 2017: 1280-1285.
[9]Ren ZG, Chen A,Wang L*(通信作者), Liang YS, Pang B. An efficient vector-growth decomposition algorithm for cooperative coevolution in solving large scale problems[C]. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) Companion, 2017, Berlin, Germany, July 15-19, 2017: 41-42.
[10]Liang YS, Ren ZG,Wang L, Pang B, Hossain MM. Inferior solutions in Gaussian EDA: useless or useful?[C]. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2017), 2017, Donostia, San Sebastián, Spain, Jun. 5-8, 2017: 301-307.
[11]Wang L, Guo YR, Cao XH, Wu GR, Shen DG. Consistent multi-atlas hippocampus segmentation for longitudinal MR brain images with temporal sparse representation[C]. International Workshop on Patch-based Techniques in Medical Imaging (Patch-MI 2016), Athens, Greece, Oct. 17, 2016: 34-42.
[12]Zhang WX, Yan Y, Jiang B,Wang L, Liu C. Genetic algorithm applying to calculate the Great Wall soil water electrical conductivity[C]. 2016 International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE 2016), Munich, Germany, Jun. 6-8, 2016.
[13]Wang L, Zhang WX, Wang D, Jiang B. Unsupervised image segmentation based on multidimensional particle swarm optimization[C]. 6th International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks, Beijing, China, Nov. 20-23, 2015: 191-194.
[14]Zhang WX, Li XN,Wang L. Pressure measurement of the flexible pipe algorithm in aerial refueling based on SVR with parameter optimization[C]. International Industrial Informatics and Computer Engineering Conference, Xi’an, China, Jan. 10-11, 2015: 2109-2112.
[15]Cao JF,Wang L, Zhang JL. Multi-axis motion control method of complex trajectory for high-speed machining[C]. 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Nanjiang, China, 2014: 8021-8026.
[16]Wang L, Cao JF, Han CZ. Self-calibration of heterogeneous sensors based on particle swarm optimization[C]. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Xi’an, China, 2009: 321-325.
中国自动化学会高级会员、建筑机器人专业委员会委员、混合智能专业委员会委员,陕西省自动化学会智能机器人专业委员会委员,IEEE会员;《IEEE Signal Processing Letters》、《IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters》、《Computers and Electrical Engineering》、《Neural Computing and Applications》、《Cognitive Robotics》、《西安交通大学学报》、《浙江大学学报(工学版)》、《控制与决策》、《计算机集成制造系统》、《机器人》和《计算机工程与应用》等期刊审稿人。