1. Jun Feng and Horace H. S. Ip,A Statistical Assembled Deformable Model (SAMTUS) for Vasculature Reconstruction, Computers in Biology andMedicine ,2009,June,39(6) pp 489-500 (SCI,EI)
2. Jun Feng and Horace H. S. Ip,A Multi-resolution Statistical Deformable Model (MISTO) for Soft-Tissue Organ Reconstruction, PatternRecognition 42(7)(2009), pp. 1543-1558(SCI,EI)
3.冯筠,叶豪盛,一种基于多分辨统计集成模型和曲面缺失数据恢复的混合腹部图像分割算法,中国图形学大会ChinaGraph 2008,同时被“中国图形图像学报”录用
6. Jun Feng, Peng Du and Horace H. S. Ip, Statistical Piecewise Assembled Model (SPAM) for the Representation of Highly Deformable MedicalOrgans, International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality 2008,Tokyo, Japan MIAR 2008, LNCS 5128, pp. 168–176, 2008.(ISTP,EI)
7. Jun Feng, Qizhen He, Horace H. S. Ip,Data Recovery for Medical Organs Based on a Joint Statistical Deformable Model that incorporatesPrior Knowledge of the Missing Data,The 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering, July, 2008, Xi'an , Page: 397-402(EI)
8. Jun Feng and Horace H S Ip,“Robust Point Correspondence Matching and Similarity Measuring for 3D Models by Relative Angle-ContextDistributions”, Image and Vision Computing, Vol 26/6 pp 761-775, 2008.06.2(SCI, EI)
9. Jun Feng and Horace H S Ip,“MistO: A Multi-Resolution deformable Model for segmentation of Soft-Tissue organs”, InternationalConference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006),Oct. 2006, Atlanta, USA, Pages: 1909-1912 (ISTP)
10. Feng Jun, Wang Xiao Dong, Feng Hong Wei, Shang Hong Tao, LinDos: A Linear Distraction Osteogenesis Simulation System for MaxillofacialSurgery based on FEM, SMSEM2011,NSWCTC2011,System Modeling,Simulation and Engineering Mathematics,pp 1070-1073,April 22th to 24th, 2011(EI)
11. Jun Feng and Horace H S Ip,“A and Horace H S Ip,“A Statistical Assembled Model for Segmentation of Entire 3D Vasculature”,InternationalConference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006),Aug. 2006, Hong Kong, Volume: 4, page(s): 95-98 (ISTP,EI)
12. Jun. Feng and Shuk H. Cheng, "Constructing 3D Point Correspondence for Vasculature using Approximate Parallelism ", VISual InformationSystem 2004, San Francisco Bay, USA, September 8-10, 2004.Pages 338-343.(EI)
13. Jun Feng, Horace H S Ip, Shuk , Horace H S Ip,Shuk H.Cheng "Adaptive Thresholding of Image Series from Fluorescence Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope Using Object Intensity Profiles", SPIE Proceedings of International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2004, 14-19 February 2004, San Diego, CA USA. Vol. 5370, pages 1570-1577.(ISTP,EI--04448435397)
14. Jun Feng and, Horace H.S.Ip,and Shuk H.Cheng,“A 3D Geometric Deformable Model for Tubular Structure Segmentation“, Proceedings of 10thInternational Multi-Media Modeling Conference, pp.174-180, 5-7 January, 2004, Brisbane, Australia. (ISTP, EI—04298269655)
15.冯筠,冯宏伟,王小东等,基于有限元分析的颌面直线牵张成骨仿真技术研究,中国科技成果,2011年2月,35,pp 29-31
16.冯筠,李刚,孙霞,冯宏伟,一种面向教学的知识点库,李刚,孙霞,冯宏伟,一种面向教学的知识点库的自动提取方法研究,计算机工程,2012年第2期,38(2),pp 201-203
1. 2013.1-2015.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目:融合三维统计形变结构的光学分子断层成像稀疏重建方法
2. 2013.9-2015.12:横向项目:湖南智卓金融电子:金融大数据智能信息处理技术研究
3. 2012.6-2013.6:横向项目:西安新蓝海数字文化发展有限责任公司:关中民俗字化产品关键算法研究
4. 2009-2011:唐都医院放射科:乳腺癌病灶跟踪数字化平台和模糊良恶病灶分析(项目负责人)
5. 2009.9-2010.9:中国博士后特别基金:“基于层次统计可变形和有限元混合模型的颅骨面貌复原技术研究”,200902599
6. 2009.1-2011.12:国家自然科学基金项目,60873095项目名称:基于三维统计变形和有限元混合模型的颌骨手术计划和仿真(项目主持人)
7. 2008.1-2011.12:国家自然科学基金重大项目,60736008/F010207:“颅面形态学和颅面重构的研究”,(项目参加人,负责颅骨统计模型建模)
8. 2008.1-2009.12: 07JK381基于统计变形模型的乳腺癌病灶的形状纹理描述和分割,陕西省教育厅科学研究计划项目 (项目主持人)
9. 2007.12-2009.4:中国博士后科学基金项目:20070421126“基于层次化统计可变形模型的颅骨面貌复原技术研究”,(项目主持人)
2013-2014学年模式识别 (研究生)
2013-2014学年科技论文写作 (研究生)