
- 副教授 硕士生导师
- 教师拼音名称:yaoxiankun
- 所在单位:物理学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所
- 学科:光学
- [1]Non-degenerate multi-rogue waves and easy ways of their excitation[J].Physica D,2022,433(
- [2]Heteroclinic-structure transition of the pure quartic modulation instability[J].Physical Review Research,2022,4(1):
- [3]姚献坤.Frequency conversion dynamics of vector modulation instability in normal-dispersion high-birefringence fibers[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2021,103(1):1035-1041
- [4]Xiankun Yao.Solitons in the fractional Schrödinger equation with parity-time-symmetric lattice potential[J].Photonics Research,2018,6(9):875-879
- [5]Xueming Liu.Real-time observation of the buildup of soliton molecules[J].Physical Review Letters,2018,121(2):023905
- [6]Xiankun Yao.Beam dynamics in disordered PT-symmetry optical lattices based on eigenstate analyses[J].Physical Review A,2017,95(3):033804
- [7]Xiankun Yao.Three types of pulses delivered from a nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser[J].Laser Physics,2015,25(075101
- [8]Xiankun Yao.Switchable linear-cavity nanotube-mode-locking fiber laser emitting picosecond or femtosecond pulses[J].Optics Communications,2015,335(262-265
- [9]Xiankun Yao.Wavelength demultiplexing in metal insulator metal plasmonic waveguides[J].Modern Physics Letters B,2014,28(4):1450025
- [10]Xiankun Yao.Generation of bidirectional stretched pulses in a nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser[J].Applied Optics,2014,53(1):27-31