dingxinAssociate professor

个人简介 丁鑫,西北大学副教授,硕士生导师,中国化工学会委员,中国可再生能源学会委员,MDPI旗下energies期刊客座编委。长期从事生物质能源化与高值资源化利用研究,在Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、Chemical Engineering Science等能源化工领域高水平SCI期刊上发表论文23篇,其中以第一作者身份发表论文11篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,...Detials

  • 个人简介

丁鑫,西北大学副教授,硕士生导师,中国化工学会委员,中国可再生能源学会委员,MDPI旗下energies期刊客座编委。长期从事生物质能源化与高值资源化利用研究,在Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、Chemical Engineering Science等能源化工领域高水平SCI期刊上发表论文23篇,其中以第一作者身份发表论文11篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,陕西省重点研发,陕西省延长石油重大项目等横纵向课题十余项。获得西安交通大学优秀研究生称号,连续三年获得西安交通大学一等学业奖学金等荣誉。

  • 科研项目

1. 微藻水热液化反应体系中磷酸钾盐的催化特性与溶解作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目2022.01~2024.12.项目主持人

2. 基于碳量子点的全碳催化剂构筑及其电催化还原二氧化碳性能研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目2018.01~2020.12. 主要参与者。

3. 超临界甲醇制备脂肪酸甲酯的多元相平衡研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目2014.01~2017.12. 主要参与者。

4. 高性能固态化学储氢反应器关键技术研发,陕西省重点研发计划一般项目, 2022年1月~2023年12月, 主要参与者。

5. 规模化绿氢连续储运一体化调控系统关键技术研究,陕西延长石油西橡有限公司横向课题,2021年1月-2024年12月,骨干成员

  • 发表学术论文

[1]Xin Ding, Ting Li, Junqian Wang, Le Wu, Lan Zheng, Yuqi Wang*. Catalytic co-liquefaction of microalgae+ corn straw over K3PO4+γ-Al2O3supported Fe and Ni mono-/bimetallicin-situcomposite catalysts for the production of liquid biofuel[J].Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023: 144668.(中科院一区TOPIF = 16.774

[2]Xin Ding, Seshasayee Mahadevan Subramanya, Yuqi Wang, Phillip E. Savage*. Hydrothermal liquefaction of starch using homogeneous and heterogeneous co-catalysts [J].Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023: 143570.(中科院一区TOPIF = 16.774

[3]Xin Ding, Seshasayee Mahadevan Subramanya, Kayley E. Waltz, Yuqi Wang, Phillip E. Savage*. Hydrothermal liquefaction of polysaccharide feedstocks with heterogeneous catalysts [J].Bioresource Technology, 2022: 127100.(中科院一区TOPIF = 11.889

[4]Xin Ding, James D. Sheehan, Tian Zhang, Zhenxing Shen, Yuqi Wang, Zhao Jiang, Tao Fang*. Experimental-computational approach for elucidating the dissolution behavior of potassium phosphates in near-and supercritical water [J].The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2021: 105488.(中科院二区,IF = 4.514

[5]Xin Ding, Seshasayee Mahadevan Subramanya, Yuqi Wang, Phillip E. Savage*. Effects of potassium phosphates and other additives on biocrude production and composition from hydrothermal liquefaction of pectin and chitin [J].Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 24, 8642–8648.(中科院三区,化工三大刊IF = 4.326

[6]Xin Ding, Qinli Liu, Xiongpo Hou, Tao Fang*. Supercritical fluid extraction of metal chelate: A review [J].Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 47(2): 99-118.(中科院二区,IF = 5.686

[7]Xin Ding, Seshasayee Mahadevan Subramanya, Tao Fang, Yang Guo, Phillip E. Savage*. Effects of potassium phosphates on hydrothermal liquefaction of triglyceride, protein, and polysaccharide [J].Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34, 15313-15321.(中科院三区,IF = 4.654

[8]Xin Ding, Tian Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Zhenxing Shen, Tao Fang*. Experimental determination and modelling of the solubilities of sodium sulfate and potassium sulfate in sub- and supercritical water [J].Fluid Phase Equilib, 2019, 483: 31–51.(中科院三区,IF = 2.745

[9]Xin Ding, Yali Lei, Zhenxing Shen, Yunsong Yu, Qiang Zhou, Jinjia Wei, and Tao Fang*. Experimental determination and modeling of the solubility of sodium chloride in subcritical water from (568 to 598) k and (10 to 25) MPa [J].Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2017, 62, 3374-3390.(中科院三区,IF =3.119

[10] Qinli Liu#,Xin Ding#, Bowen Du, and Tao Fang*. Multi-phase equilibrium and solubilities of aromatic compounds and inorganic compounds in sub- and supercritical water: a review [J].Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 47(6): 513-523.#共同第一作者)(中科院二区,IF = 5.68

[11] Zhiru Liu,Xin Ding, Rong Zhu, Yanan Li, Yuqi Wang*, Wen Sun, Di Wang, Le Wu, Lan Zheng. Investigation on the effect of highly active Ni/ZrO2catalysts modified by MgONd2O3promoters in CO2methanation at low temperature condition[J].Chemistry Select, 2022, 7(3): e202103774.

[12]Rong Zhu,Xin Ding, Zhiru Liu, Yanan Li, Le Wu, Lan Zheng , Yuqi Wang*. Promotional effects of Nd2O3doped Ni/Al2O3–Y2O3catalysts on oxygen vacancy and coking-resistant in dry reforming of methane[J].Catalysis Letters, 2022: 1-13.

[13] Shuqin Gao, Yanan Li, Wenzhao Guo,Xin Ding, Lan Zheng, Le Wu, Hongli Yan, Yuqi Wang. Morphology effect of ceria support with hierarchical structure on the catalytic performance for nickel based catalysts in dry reforming of methane[J].Molecular Catalysis, 2022, 533: 112766.

[14] Qingyu Lei, Shuai Zhang, Yongchao Li,Xin Ding, Yuqi Wang, Lan Zheng, Le Wu* Design and optimization of poly-generation system for municipal solid waste disposal [J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 370: 133611.

[15] Chaoliang Xie, Xuemei Deng, Jingyu Zhang, Yuqi Wang, Lan Zheng,Xin Ding, Xiaowei Li, Le Wu*. Multi-period design and optimization of classified municipal solid waste supply chain integrating seasonal fluctuations in waste generation[J].Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 93: 104522.

[16] Yanan Li, Yuqi Wang*, Xiaoli Zhang*,Xin Ding, Zhiru Liu, Rong Zhu, Le Wu, Lan Zheng. Ni supported on natural clay of palygorskite as catalyst for dry reforming of methane: Thermodynamic analysis and impacts of preparation methods[J].International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022: 47 (48): 20851-20866.

[17] Wen Sun, Lan Zheng, Yuqi Wang*, Weihua Jia, Wenzhao Guo, Zhiru Liu,Xin Ding, Le Wu, Tao Fang. Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CO2and methanol in dual supercritical phases over YxFe1−xOδcatalysts[J].Journal of CO2Utilization, 2022, 58: 101912.

[18] Wenzhao Guo, Lan Zheng, Xiong Gao, Wenhui Yang, Yanan Li, Wen Sun, Shuqin Gao, Yuqi Wang*,Xin Ding, Le Wu, Tao Fang. Performance and kinetic investigations on the CeO2catalyzed direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CO2and methanol in dual supercritical conditions[J].Applied Catalysis A: General, 2023, 662: 119272.

[19] Yanan Li, Xiaoli Zhang*, Shuqin Gao, Wenzhao Guo, Zhiru Liu, Le Wu, Lan Zheng,Xin Ding, Hongli Yan, and Yuqi Wang*. Synthesis of the CeO2support with a honeycomb-lantern-like structure and its application in dry reforming of methane based on the surface spatial confinement strategy[J].The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127, 2, 1032–1048.

  • 参加高水平学术会议

[1]Xin Ding*, Yuqi Wang. Enhancement of catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction process of urban solid waste organic components and influence of product composition. The 7thInternational Conference on Biomass Energy & The 15thNational Postgraduate Biomass Energy Symposium, April 8-9, 2022, Fujian, Xiamen.(Oral presentation)

[2]Xin Ding, Yali Lei, Zhenxing Shen, Tao Fang*. Measurement and modeling of the solubility of sodium sulfate in sub- and supercritical water. 10thSupergreen 2017 (The International Conference on Supercritical Fluids) at Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 1-3, 2017.(Oral presentation)

[3]丁鑫,王玉琪*.生物质模型化合物水热转化制备高品质液体燃料研究.第十四届全国超临界流体大会. 2023.07.19-21,贵州遵义.(Oral presentation)

[4]丁鑫王玉琪*.多糖基生物质高值能源化利用研究.第十八届中国可再生能源学术大会生物质能分会. 2023.3.31-4.3,云南昆明.(Oral presentation)

[5]丁鑫,王玉琪*.磷酸钾盐对多糖生物质水热液化制备生物粗油产率和组成的影响.第十四届全国研究生生物质能研讨会. 2020.11.24-27,湖南长沙.(Oral presentation)

[6]丁鑫,李佳庚,姜召,方涛*.碱金属和碱土金属氯盐在亚临界和超临界水中溶解度的热力学预测模型.第十一届全国超临界流体研讨会. 2016.11.04-06,福建厦门.(Oral presentation)

  • 受理与授权专利

[1]方涛,刘博,丁鑫,姜召,王斌,王玉琪.一种流动式高温高压溶解度在线测定装置及其测定方法. CN 202010480977.3.中国国家发明专利.

[2]王玉琪,郑帅帅,王迪,管司楠,党婷婷,丁鑫,吴乐,郑岚.一种新型高储氢空中加氢无人机. CN.2021112259271.中国国家发明专利.

[3]王玉琪,刘颖,李菲,高雄,管司楠,郑帅帅,陈佳伟,丁鑫,吴乐,郑岚.一种镁基储氢合金复合材料及制备方法和应用. CN. 202310067846.6.中国国家发明专利

[4]王玉琪,管司楠,郑帅帅,刘颖,王俊乾,朱斌景,陈生栋,王迪,丁鑫,吴乐,郑岚.一种基于固态化学储氢系统的高续航水下航行器. CN.202211242504.5.中国国家发明专利

[5]吴乐,张帅,雷晴宇,丁鑫,王玉琪,郑岚.一种脱除餐饮业油烟、颗粒物和非甲烷总烃的装置. CN.214949254 U.中国实用新型专利.

  • 获得荣誉



