
- 讲师
- 教师拼音名称:Bai Wenkai
- 电子邮箱:459e00cff1836ee5accd82423b6e26faa0fc466b60ff6bcb5d635a6b6c8160040cc96fc0f8b28bd3990e3f87eb62acbfbdc8490659198e8392ce06a66117f2ddedaac0d04b85f12a9217d369e51a54f6a05f63cb346888d82c9034cf55550b79bc48d59da32bbc76500787dc73e403cd96eb11e757c394d126443fac9936af2f
- 入职时间:2021-07-14
- 所在单位:现代物理研究所
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 毕业院校:西北大学
- [1]Three-dimensional isotropic droplets in Rydberg-dressed Bose gasesPhysical Review Research,2024,6(023151
- [2]Superfluid oscillator circuit with a quantum current regulatorPhysical Review A,2024,109(043312
- [3]Phase transitions in rotating binary Bose–Einstein condensates with Spin–orbit and Rabi couplingsChaos, Solitons and Fractals,2023,174(113918
- [4]Structure and dynamics of binary Bose–Einstein condensates with vortex phase imprintingFrontiers of Physics,2023,18(62302
- [5]Formation of vortex rings and hopfions in trapped Bose–Einstein condensatesPhysics of Fluids,2021,33(027105
- [6]Nonlinear dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate excited by a vortex ring phase imprintingResults in Physics,2021,22(103828
- [7]Topological transition from superfluid vortex rings to isolated knots and linksPhysical Review A,2020,102(063318