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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:北校区文博楼





Alma Mater:兰州大学




西北大学秦岭研究院太平分院院长,秦岭生态环保青年学者专家委员会副秘书长,第四次全国中药资源普查陕西省专家委员会委员,陕西省秦岭生态环保“青年学者”专家委员会委员,陕西省植物学会理事。国家自然科学基金生命科学部、地理学部通信评议人,《Plant Diversity》、《Scientific Reports》、《西北植物学报》、《生物学杂志》等期刊编委,中国植物学会会员,中国生态学会会员,发表SCI学术论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表在国际顶尖进化生物学期刊Evolution上的论文为国内第二篇以article形式发表在此期刊的论文(SCI一区,影响因子5.66)。近年来先后主持和完成国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目子课题等项目20余项。以主要完成人身份获得教育部高等学校自然科学一等奖、以第一完成人获得陕西省自然科学优秀论文二等奖、西北大学首届“实践教学能手”奖、西北大学首届优秀青年学术骨干以及西北大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师等多项奖励,出版学术著作/教材二部。



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:珍稀濒危白皮松组植物物种分化的生物地理学模式研究(31970359), 2020-2023.

2. 陕西省科技厅重点产业创新链项目:黄河流域(陕西段)生物多样性保护与监测技术研究(2022ZDLSF06-02),2021-2024.

3. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:棉花优异种质资源形成与演化规律研究(2016YFD0100306), 2016-2020.

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国特有羌活属植物物种形成机制研究(31470400), 2015-2018.

5. 青海省科技厅科技成果转化专项项目:羌活GAP高效栽培技术集成示范(2020-NK-117), 2020-2022.


7. 第四次全国中药资源普查项目:陕西省靖边县中药资源普查专项(203131900019), 2019-2023.

8.第四次全国中药资源普查项目:陕西省清涧县中药资源普查专项(203130015), 2018-2022.

9.第四次全国中药资源普查项目:陕西省高陵县中药资源普查专项(203132000030), 2020-2023.

10.青海省中央引导地方专项合作课题项目:青海高原羊肚菌品种选育与适应性评价 (2021ZY026), 2021-2022.

11. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:中国特有树种白皮松的谱系地理学研究(41101058), 2012-2014.
12. 西北大学首届优秀青年学术骨干项目:中国西部特有植物遗传多样性研究(PR12146), 2013-2015.
13. 教育部博士点新教师基金:中西部森林树种华山松的分子谱系地理学研究(20126101120021), 2013-2015.
14. 陕西省科技厅自然科学基金:中国特有树种华山松的分子谱系地理学研究(2014JQ3084), 2014-2016.


1.Mi-Li Liu#, Qian-Han Shang#, Yan-Jun Cheng, Na Wang, Wei Sa, Bao-Guo Li,Zhong-Hu Li*. Drivers of intraspecific differentiation of an alpine cold-tolerant herb,Notopterygium oviforme: roles of isolation by distance and ecological factors.Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022,一区,IF=4.10)

2. Peng-Bin Dong#, Ruo-Nan Wang#, Nawal Afzal#, Mi-Li Liu, Ming Yue, Jian-Ni Liu, Jiang-Li Tan*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Phylogenetic relationships and molecular evolution of woody forest tree family Aceraceae based on plastid phylogenomics and nuclear gene variations.Genomics, 2021,113: 2365-2376. (SCI二区,IF=5.74)

3. Ning Wang, Wan-Lin Dong, Xiao-Jing Zhang,Tong Zhou, Xiao-Juan Huang, Bao-Guo Li, Jian-Ni Liu, Xiong-Feng Ma,Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary characteristics and phylogeny of cotton chloroplast tRNAs.Planta, 2021, 254: 116. (SCI二区,IF=4.12)

4. Yu-He Zhao, Tong Zhou, Jiu-Xia Wang, Yan Li, Min-Feng Fang, Jian-Ni Liu,Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolution and structural variations in chloroplast tRNAs in gymnosperms.BMC Genomics, 2021, 22:750. (SCI二区,IF=3.97)

5. Qiu-Yi Zhong, Xiao-Gang Fu, Ting-Ting Zhang, Tong Zhou, Ming Yue, Jian-Ni Liu,Zhong-Hu Li*. Phylogeny and evolution of chloroplast tRNAs in Adoxaceae.Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 11:1294–1309. (SCI二区,IF=2.91)

6. Ting-Ting Zhang, Yang Yang, Xiao-Yu Song, Xin-Yu Gao, Xian-Liang Zhang, Jun-Jie Zhao, Ke-Hai Zhou, Chang-Bao Zhao, Wei Li, Dai-Gang Yang, Xiong-Feng Ma*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Novel Structural Variation and Evolutionary Characteristics of Chloroplast tRNA inGossypiumPlants.Genes, 2021, 12: 822. (SCI三区,IF=4.10)

7. Tong Zhou, Xiao-Juan Huang, Shou-Zhou Zhang, Yuan Wang, Ying-Juan Wang, Wen-Zhe Liu, Ya-Ling Wang*, Jia-Bin Zou*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Population Demographic History of a Rare and Endangered TreeMagnolia sprengeriPamp. in East Asia Revealed by Molecular Data and Ecological Niche Analysis.Forests, 2021, 12: 931. (SCI三区,IF=2.63)

8. Zidong Su, Xiaojuan Huang, Qiuyi Zhong, Mili Liu, Xiaoyu Song, Jianni Liu, Aigen Fu, Jiangli Tan, Yixuan Kou,Zhong-Hu Li*. Change of Potential Distribution Area of a Forest TreeAcer davidiiin East Asia under the Context of Climate Oscillations.Forests, 2021, 12: 689. (SCI三区,IF=2.63)

9. Umer Zeb#, Wan-Ling Dong#, Ting-Ting Zhang, Ruo-Nan Wang, Khurram Shahzad, Xiong-Feng Ma*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative plastid genomics ofPinusspecies: insights into sequence variations and phylogenetic relationships.Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2020, 58(2):118-132.(SCI一区,IF=4.10)

10. Yi-Xin Yang#, Li-Qiang Zhi#, Yun Jia#, Qiu-Yi Zhong, Zhan-Lin Liu, Ming Yue,Zhong-Hu Li*. Nucleotide diversity and demographic history ofPinus bungeana, an endangered conifer species endemic in China.Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2020, 58(3):282-294.(SCI一区,IF=4.10)

11.Yun Jia, Richard I. Milne, Juan Zhu, Lian-Ming Gao, Guang-Fu Zhu, Gui-Fang Zhao, Jie Liu,Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary legacy of a forest plantation tree species (Pinus armandii): Implications for widespread afforestation.Evolutionary Applications. 2020, 13: 2646-2662. (SCI一区,IF=5.18)

12.Ting-Ting Zhang, Heng Liu, Qi-Yuan Gao, Ting Yang, Jian-Ni Liu, Xiong-Feng Ma,Zhong-Hu Li*. Gene transfer and nucleotide sequence evolution byGossypiumcytoplasmic genomes indicates novel evolutionary characteristics.Plant Cell Reports. 2020, 39: 765-777. (SCI二区,IF=4.57)

13.Khurram Shahzad, Mi-Li Liu, Yu-He Zhao, Ting-Ting Zhang, Jian-Ni Liu,Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary history of endangered and relict tree speciesDipteronia sinensisin response to geological and climatic events in the Qinling Mountains and adjacent areas.Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 00: 1-15. (SCI二区,IF=2.91)

14.Ting-Ting Zhang, Na-Yao Zhang, Wei Li, Xiao-Jian Zhou, Xiao-Yu Pei, Yan-Gai Liu, Zhong-Ying Ren, Kun-Lun He, Wen-Sheng Zhang, Ke-Hai Zhou, Fei Zhang, Xiong-Feng Ma, Dai-Gang Yang,Zhong-Hu Li*. Genetic structure, gene flow pattern, and association analysis of superior germplasm resources in domesticated upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.).Plant Diversity. 2020, 42: 189-197. (SCI二区,IF=2.53)

15. Ting-Ting Zhang#, Yi-Kun Hou#, Ting Yang, Shu-Ya Zhang, Ming Yue, Jianni Liu,Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary analysis of chloroplast tRNA of Gymnosperm revealed the novel structural variation and evolutionary aspect.PeerJ, 2020, 8: e103.(SCI三区,IF=2.98)

16. Jiao Yang, Li Feng, Ming Yue, Yan-Ling He, Gui-Fang Zhao,Zhong-Hu Li*. Species delimitation and interspecific relationships of the endangered herb genusNotopterygiuminferred from multilocus variations.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,2019, 133: 142-151. (SCI一区,IF=4.29)

17. Mi-Li Liu#, Yan-Ling He#, Jordi López-Pujol, Yun Jia,Zhong-Hu Li*. Complex population evolutionary history of four cold-tolerantNotopterygiumherb species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas.Heredity, 2019. 123: 242–263. (SCI二区,IF=3.82)

18. Yun Jia, Ji-Qing Bai, Mi-Li Liu, Zhen-Fang Jiang, Yan Wu, Min-Feng Fang,Zhong-Hu Li*. Transcriptome analysis of the endangeredNotopterygium incisum: Cold-tolerance gene discovery and identification of EST-SSR and SNP markers.Plant Diversity. 2019, 41: 1-6. (SCI二区,IF=1.196)

19. Yun Jia#, Juan Zhu#, Ying Wu, Wei-Bing Fan, Gui-Fang Zhao,Zhong-Hu Li*. Effects of geological and environmental events on the diversity and genetic divergence of four closely related pines:Pinus koraiensis,P. armandii,P. griffithiiandP. pumila.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 1264. (SCI二区,IF=5.75)

20. Miao-Miao Ju, Yi Fu, Gui-Fang Zhao, Cheng-Zhong He,Zhong-Hu Li*, Bin Tian*. The effects of Tanaka Line on genetic structure ofBombax ceiba(Malvaceae) in dry-hot valley areas in southwest China.Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 8(7): 3599-3608. (SCI二区,IF=2.91)

21.Wei-Bing Fan, Ying Wu, Jiao Yang, Khurram Shahzad,Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative chloroplast genomics of Dipsacales species: insights into sequence variation, adaptive evolution, and phylogenetic relationships.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 689. (SCI二区,IF=5.75)

22. Wan-Ling Dong, Ruo-Nan Wang, Na-Yao Zhang, Wei-Bing Fan, Min-Feng Fang,Zhong-Hu Li*. Molecular evolution of chloroplast genomes of Orchid species: insights into phylogenetic relationship and adaptive evolution. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 716. (SCI二区,IF=5.92)

23. Ying Wu#, Fang Liu#, Dai-Gang Yang, Wei Li, Xiao-Jian Zhou, Xiao-Yu Pei, Yan-Gai Liu, Kun-Lun He, Wen-Sheng Zhang, Zhong-Ying Ren, Ke-Hai Zhou, Xiong-Feng Ma*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative chloroplast genomics of Gossypium species: insights into the repeat sequence variations and phylogeny.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 376. (SCI二区,IF=5.75)

24. Mi-Li Liu#, Wei-Bing Fan#, Ning Wang, Peng-Bin Dong, Ting-Ting Zhang, Ming Yue,Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary analysis of plastid genomes of sevenLoniceraL. species: implications for sequence divergence and phylogenetic relationships.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 4039. (SCI二区,IF=5.92)

25. Jiao Yang, Ming Yue, Chuan Niu, Xiong-Feng Ma*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome of four endangered herbals ofNotopterygium.Genes, 2017, 8: 124. (SCI三区,IF=4.10)

26. Yun Jia, Mi-Li Liu, Ming Yue, Zhe Zhao, Gui-Fang Zhao,Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals adaptive evolution ofNotopterygium incisumandNotopterygium franchetii, two high-alpine herbal species endemic to China.Molecules, 2017, 22: 1158. (SCI三区,IF=4.41)

27. Ying He, Zhe Zhao, Yuan-Yuan Shi, Jiao Yang, Yun Jia, Lin-Lin Gong,Zhong-Hu Li*. Novel microsatellite markers forNotopterygium oviforme(Apiaceae), an endangered herb endemic to China.Annales Botanici Fennici, 2017, 54: 423-427. (SCI四区)

28. Khurram Shahzad#, Yun Jia#, Fu-Lin Chen, Umer Zeb,Zhong-Hu Li*. Effects of mountain uplift and climatic oscillations on phylogeography and species divergence in four endangeredNotopterygiumherbs.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1929. (SCI二区,IF=5.75)

29. Dong Duan#, Yun Jia#, Jie Yang,Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of male and female conelets and development of microsatellite markers inPinus bungeana, an endemic conifer in China.Genes, 2017, 8: 393. (SCI三区,IF=4.10)

30.Yan-Ling He, Ying He, Lin-Lin Gong, Min-Feng Fang*,Zhong-Hu Li*. Population genetic structure and interspecific differentiation betweenAcer davidiiFranchi. andA. morrisonenseHayata (Aceraceae) based on SSR markers.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2017, 71: 42-49. (SCI四区)

31. Han Y-W#, Duan D#, Ma X-F#, Jia Y, Liu Z-L, Zhao G-F,Zhong-Hu Li*. Efficient Identification of the Forest Tree Species in Aceraceae Using DNA Barcodes.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:1707.(SCI二区,IF=5.75)

32. Wan-Lin Dong, Ruo-Nan Wang, Xiao-Hao Yan, Chuan Niu, Lin-Lin Gong,Zhong-Hu Li*. Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers inPinus armandii(Pinaceae), an Endemic Conifer Species to China.Applications in Plant Sciences, 2016, 4(10): 16000724. (SCI四区)

33. Yi-Xin Yang, Ma-Li Wang, Zhan-Lin Liu, Juan Zhu, Meng-Ying Yan,Zhong-Hu Li*. Nucleotide polymorphism and phylogeographic history of an endangered conifer speciesPinus bungeana.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2016, 64: 89-96. (SCI四区)

34.Zhong-Hu Li*, Chen Yang, Kang-Shan Mao, Ya-Zhen Ma, Jie Liu, Zhan-Lin Liu, Tuan-Tuan Deng, Gui-Fang Zhao. Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variation.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 61: 161-168. (SCI四区)

35.Zhong-Hu Li*, Hai-Yan Xu, Gui-Fang Zhao. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci primers forCupressus funebris(Cupressaceae).Conservation Genetics Resources, 2013, 5: 307-309.(SCI四区)

36.Zhong-Hu Li, Xiao-Dong Liu, Xiao-Qi Wang, Bin Fan, Xing-Dong Wang, Gui-Fang Zhao*. Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite markers in Codonopsis tangshen (Campanulaceae).Conservation Genetics Resources, 2013, 5(2): 393-395.(SCI四区)

37.Zhong-Hu Li, Jia-Bin Zou, Kang-Shan Mao, Kao Lin, Hai-Peng Li, Jian-Quan Liu*, Thomas Källman, Martin Lascoux. Population genetic evidence for complex evolutionary histories of four high altitude juniper species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Evolution, 2012, 66: 831-845.(SCI一)

38.Zhong-Hu Li#, Jian Chen#, Gui-Fang Zhao, Yu-Peng Guo, Yi-Xuan Kou, Ya-Zheng Ma, Gang Wang, Xiao-Fei Ma*. Response of a desert shrub to past geological and climatic change: A phylogeographic study of Reaumuria soongarica (Tamaricaceae) in western China.Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2012, 50(4): 351-361.(SCI一)

39.Zhong-Hu Li, Qian Zhang, Jian-Quan Liu*, Thomas Källman, Martin Lascoux. The Pleistocene demography of an alpine juniper of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: tabula rasa, cryptic refugia or something else?Journal of Biogeography, 2011, 38: 31-43.(SCI一)

40. Ting-Ting Xu, Jian Chen, Li-Li Zhu,Zhong-Hu Li*. Development of microsatellite loci for Aconitum gymnandrum (Ranunculaceae), a species endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.American Journal of Botany, 2011, e7-e9.(SCI二)




































11.陕西省大学生创新创业训练计划项目:阎晓昊“中国特有树种华山松的分子谱系地理学研究”(0813), 2013-2015结题获得“优秀”

12.陕西省大学生创新创业训练计划项目:李银军“羌活种群遗传多样性的SSR分析”(0782), 2013-2015.

13.西北大学校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目:俎玉萌“羌活和宽叶羌活间的基因流和物种分化研究”(2015154), 2015-2017.

14.西北大学校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目:何颖“珍稀濒危植物卵叶羌活的群体进化历史研究”, 2016-2017.结题获得“优秀”



1. 吴玉虎,李忠虎主编.《喀喇昆仑山-昆仑山地区植物检索表》(ISBN:978-7-5420-2081-9),青海民族出版社,2014

2. 刘文哲主编,李忠虎等参编. 《植物学实验》,科学出版社, 2015.

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