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Wei Zhao

Associate professor

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2015-11-20

School/Department:Institute of Photonics and Photon-Technology

Administrative Position:Associate Professor

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Contact Information:zwbayern@nwu.edu.cn zwbayern@hotmail.com

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:University of South Carolina

Fluid Mechanics

Academic Honor:

Honors and Titles:

2017-09-01 西北大学青年学术英才

2014-06-26 North America Mixing Forum Student Award—Runner Up

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Current position: Wei's lab>> Research Field
Research Field

My group covers a broad and interdiscipline areas, including:

(i) Super-resolution optical microscopy, imaging and their applications in biomedical engineering and fluid dynamics

(ii) Optical field modulation and its application in the development of new optical instruments

(iii) Micro/Nanofluidics and applications, e.g. micromixer, microreactor and microcombustor

(iv) Fluid dynamics on micro/nanoscales and interficial phenomenon, e.g. electroosmotic flow on electric double layer

(v) Advanced optical measurement techniques in micro/nanofluidics

(vi) Turbulence, e.g. electrokinetic turbulence and scalar turbulence

(vii) Mixing enhancement in confined mixing layer (macroscale flow), collaborate with University of South Carolina

All these subjects welcome international graduate studuents.

For more details about my research, please forward to my Researchgate webpage:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wei-Zhao-207
