
- 副教授 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:Qi Song
- 教师拼音名称:songqi
- 出生日期:1986-10-30
- 入职时间:2015-07-02
- 所在单位:现代物理研究所
- 职务:无
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:物理学院806室
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:联系电话:13379059886
- 学位:博士
- 在职信息:在职
- 主要任职:无
- 其他任职:无
- 毕业院校:西北大学
- 学科:原子与分子物理
- [1]宋齐.Structural, elastic, and electronic properties of orthorhombic NH3BH3: An ab initio studyPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER,2012,卷: 407 期: 4 页: 565-570
- [2]宋齐.A theoretical explanation of RbBH4's fractionally occupied ground-state phase and the reorientational motion of the [BH4](-) groupJOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS,2017,卷: 50 期: 45
- [3]姜振益.DFT study of [BH4] (-) rotation in pressure-driven phase transition of MBH4COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018,卷: 154 页: 143-146
- [4]姜振益.Theoretical study of disorder-order transition of sodium borohydrideCOMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2016,卷: 124 页: 87-91
- [5]周波.Modulating the magnetic properties of MoS2 monolayers by group VIII doping and vacancy engineeringRSC ADVANCES,2018,卷: 8 期: 34 页: 18837-18850
- [6]宋齐.Structural, elastic, and electronic properties of orthorhombic NH3BH3: An ab initio studyPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER,2012,卷: 407 期: 4 页: 565-570
- [7]李莉莎.LiBH 4 高压相电子结构第一性原理西北大学学报(自然科学版),2011,页码:235-238 页数:4
- [8]宋齐.A theoretical explanation of RbBH4's fractionally occupied ground-state phase and the reorientational motion of the [BH4](-) groupJOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS,2017,卷: 50 期: 45
- [9]韩慧仙.New schemes for internally contracted multi-reference configuration interactionJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2014,卷: 141 期: 16
- [10]雷依波.New implementation of the configuration-based multi-reference second order perturbation theoryJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2012,卷: 137 期: 14