Ming Yue
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Paper Publications
岳明.Analysis of Photosynthetic Characteristics and UV-B Absorbing Compounds in Mung Bean Using UV-B and Red LED RadiationJOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS IN CHEMISTRY,2014,
刘小宁.Simultaneous Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Flavonoids from Ultraviolet-B Radiation in Leaves and Roots of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Using LC-UV-ESI-Q/TOF/MSJOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS IN CHEMISTRY,2014,
岳明.Economic trade-offs of hydrophytes and neighbouring terrestrial herbaceous plants based on plant functional traitsBASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY,2017,卷: 22 页: 11-19
岳明.Using phylogeny and functional traits for assessing community assembly along environmental gradients: A deterministic process driven by elevationECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2017,卷: 7 期: 14 页: 5056-5069
岳明.Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on methane emission in a paddy field and rice root exudation of low-molecular-weight organic acidsPHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2016,卷: 15 期: 6 页: 735-743
岳明.Plant functional traits suggest a change in novel ecological strategies for dominant species in the stages of forest successionOECOLOGIA,2016,卷: 180 期: 3 页: 771-783
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