Qr code
Le Wu

Associate professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2018-01-12

School/Department:School of Chemical Engineering

Administrative Position:无

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:长安校区化工楼801


Contact Information:lewu@nwu.edu.cn

Degree:Doctoral degree


Academic Titles:无

Other Post:无

Alma Mater:Xi'an Jiaotong University

Discipline:Chemical Engineering

Academic Honor:

Honors and Titles:

2022-10-19 指导研究生获得国家奖学金

2018-10-17 西北大学化工学院优秀指导教师

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吴乐,副教授,硕士生导师,入选陕西省青年科技新星、陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划和西北大学青年学术英才。主要从事过程系统工程领域的研究,主要研究方向为能源化工过程的多尺度-多周期-多目标设计、模拟、评价和优化:(1) 可再生能源系统的建模与设计;(2) 生活垃圾多尺度-多目标的分级分质利用;(3) 化工过程的模拟、优化和全生命周期分析。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省科技厅项目、重点实验室开放课题等10余项,参与国家级、省部级、企业横向课题多项。现以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文40余篇,参加国际国内会议30余次,授权发明专利3件。任EI源期刊《石油学报(石油加工)》青年编委、《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委,同时兼任多个SCI/EI期刊审稿人。


[1]固态储氢系统中单元间氢热协调机制及系统优化方法. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(22378328). 2024.01~2027.12. 主持

[2]可再生能源驱动的载能化学品模块化柔性制造系统优化设计理论与方法.国家自然科学基金重点项目(22238006. 2023.01~2027.12.合作单位课题负责人

[3]基于油---氢供需协调机制的生活垃圾联产系统构建和评价.上海市固体废物处理与资源化工程研究中心. 2021.12~2023.12,主持

[4]基于全生命周期思想的生物质油和蜡油共炼过程的碳排放分析及多目标优化.广西石化资源加工及过程强化技术重点实验室. 2022.01~2023.12,主持

[5]陕西精益化工有限公司兰炭基活性炭制备及其在该公司含酚废水处理的应用.榆林科技局. 2022.10~2024.9,主持


[1]徐维彬;蒋迎花;郑岚;王玉琪;吴乐.生物质油与蜡油在FCC装置中共炼产汽柴油的研究进展.化工进展. 2024.已接收.

[2]Deng X, Xie C, Zhang J, Wang Y, Zheng L, Ding X, Wu L. Techno-economic analysis of municipal solid waste treatment for poly-generation system. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 912: 168869.

[3]Xie, C., Tian, Y., Wu, L.*. Multi-period Two-stage Stochastic Programming of Supply Chain for Co-processing System of Bio-oil and Heavy Oil. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11 (9): 3850-3860.

[4]Xie C, Deng X, Zhang J, Wang Y, Zheng L, Ding X, Li X, Wu L*. Multi-period design and optimization of classified municipal solid waste supply chain integrating seasonal fluctuations in waste generation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 93: 104522.

[5]Hu, J., Chen, X., Yang, X., Li, R., Wu, L.*. Co-processing of gas oil and bio-oil derived from algae and straw: Techno-economic analysis. Fuel, 2023, 340: 127583.

[6]Zhang, S., Lei, Q., Wu, L.*, Wang, Y., Zheng, L., Chen, X.*. Supply chain design and integration for the Co-Processing of bio-oil and vacuum gas oil in a refinery. Energy, 2022, 241: 122912.

[7]Lei, Q., Zhang, S., Li, Y., Ding, X., Wang, Y., Zheng, L., Wu, L.*. Design and optimization of poly-generation system for municipal solid waste disposal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 370: 133611.

[8]Tian, R., Xu, W., Li, Y., Tian, J., Wu, L.*. Energy Consumption Analysis of a Diesel Hydrotreating Unit Using an Aspen Simulation. Processes, 2022, 10 (10): 2055.

[9]Wu, L.*, Yan, T., Lei, Q., Zhang, S., Wang, Y., Zheng, L.. Optimization of Co-processing of Heavy Oil and Bio-oil Based on the Coordination of Desulfurization and Deoxygenation. Energy, 2022, 239: 122558.

[10]Wu, L.*, Yan, T., Qian, K., Hong, F.. Multi-period Design and Optimization of Co-processing of Vacuum Gas Oil and Bio-oil Integrating Supply Fluctuations of Lignocellulosic and Algal Biomass. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60 (20): 7667-7677.

[11]Shi, M.; Zhao, X.; Wang, Q.; Wu, L.*, Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Co-Processing of Bio-Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil in an Existing Refinery. Processes, 2021, 9 (2), 187.

[12]Wu, L.*, Yang, Y., Yan, T., Wang, Y., Zheng, L., Qian, K., Hong, F.. Sustainable design and optimization of co-processing of bio-oil and vacuum gas oil in an existing refinery. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 130: 109952.

[13]Wu L, Li L, Wang Y, Zheng L. Techno-economic analysis of co-processing of vacuum gas oil and algae hydrothermal liquefaction oil in an existing refinery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 224: 113376.

[14]Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L.; Wang, P.; Han, X., Techno-economic analysis of bio-oil co-processing with vacuum gas oil to transportation fuels in an existing fluid catalytic cracker. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, 197, 111901.

[15]Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L.; Shi, M.; Li, J., Design and optimization of bio-oil co-processing with vacuum gas oil in a refinery. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, 195, 620-629.

[16]Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L.; Han, X., Stepwise optimization of hydrogen network integrated sulfur compound removal kinetics and a fluid catalytic cracker. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2019, 151, 168-178.

[17]Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Han, X.; Hong, F., Multi-objective Operational Optimization of a Hydrotreating Reactor Based on Hydrogenation Reaction Kinetics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 15785-15793.

[18]Wu, L.; Liang, X.; Kang, L.; Liu, Y.*, Saffron, C., Hydrogen network optimization by integrating impurity distributions of a fluid catalytic cracker and hydrogenation reaction kinetics. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2018, 192, 542-552.

[19]Wu, L.; Liu, Y.*; Zhang, Q., Operational optimization of a hydrotreating system based on removal of sulfur compounds in hydrotreaters coupled with a fluid catalytic cracker. Energy & Fuels , 2017, 31, (9), 9850–9862.

[20]Wu, L.; Liang, X.; Kang, L.; Liu, Y.*, Integration strategies of hydrogen network in a refinery based on operational optimization of hydrotreating units. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering , 2017, 25, (8), 1061-1068.

[21]Wu, L.; Liu, Y.*, Environmental impacts of hydrotreating processes for the production of clean fuels based on life cycle assessment. Fuel , 2016, 164, 352-360.

[22]Wu, L.; Liu, Y.*; Liang, X.; Kang, L., Multi-objective optimization for design of a steam system with drivers option in process industries. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2016, 136, 89-98.

[23]李阳,史美荣,沈若莹,黄玉婷,丁鑫,吴乐*.耦合加氢反应动力学和FCC杂质分配作用的生物质油与蜡油共炼过程的操作优化.石油学报(石油加工), 2022, 38 (1): 199-207.

[24]吴乐*;王竞;王玉琪;郑岚.生物质油与蜡油在FCC装置共炼的多目标优化.化工学报, 2020, 71 (5): 2182-2189.

[25]史美荣;吴乐*;赵欣,汽油品质升级过程的环境影响分析与对比.石油学报(石油加工) 2019, 35 (3), 594-602.

[26]吴乐;汤杰国;朱强;刘永忠*,加氢反应过程对炼油厂加氢系统氢耗影响的分析.石油学报(石油加工) , 2016, 32, (5), 1030-1037.EI

[27]吴乐;朱强;刘永忠*,燃油加氢深度脱硫过程的生态环境影响分析.石油学报(石油加工) , 2016, 32, (2), 343-349.EI

[28]Wu, L.*; Wang, J.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L., Design and Integration of Bio-Oil Co-Processing with Vacuum Gas Oil in a Refinery. Chemical Engineering Transactions 2019, 76, 1171-1176.

[29]Shi, M., Zhao, X., Wang, Q., Wu, L.*. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Co-Processing of Bio-Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil in an Existing Refinery. Processes 2021, 9 (2): 187.

[30]Wu, L.; Liu, Y.*; Kang, L., Multi-objective optimization on driving options for rotating equipment in process industries to make trade-offs between economic and environmental impacts. Chemical Engineering Transactions , 2015, 45, 1093-1099.


[1]吴乐,李菲,史美荣,王玉琪,郑岚,韩小龙.一种快速热解生物质油与直馏蜡油共炼生产汽柴油的方法.发明专利. ZL201811565769.2

[2]吴乐,雷晴宇,张帅,王玉琪,郑岚.自循环、油-电平衡的生活垃圾制备油---热的方法.发明专利. ZL202110076202.4

[3]吴乐,张帅,雷晴宇,丁鑫,王玉琪,郑岚.一种脱除餐饮业油烟、颗粒物和非甲烷总烃的装置.实用新型专利: ZL202120155115.3


[1]Zhang, S.; Lei, Q.; Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L., Multi-objective optimization of co-processing of algae hydrothermal liquefaction oil and vacuum gas oil: a survey of algal oil co-processing ratio and gasoline selling price. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2021, 50, 511-516.

[2]Zhang, S.; Lei, Q.; Ding, X.; Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L., Life Cycle Assessment of Co-processing of Algae Hydrothermal Liquefied Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil. In 24th Conference of Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Klemeš, J. J., Ed. Brno, Czech, 2021.

[3]Wu, L.*; Qi, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L., multi-objective optimization of co-processing of bio-oil and vacuum gas oil: a survey of gasoline selling price and bio-oil co-processing ratio. ESCAPE30 The 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 30 August - 2 September, 2020 - Milan, Italy. (Oral. Session Chair)

[4]Wu, L.*; Wang, Y.; Huang, H.; Liu, C.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L., Supply chain design and integration for the co-processing of bio-oil and vacuum gas oil in a refinery. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 17-21 August, 2020 - Xi’an, China. (Poster)

[5]吴乐*,王竞,王玉琪,郑岚.生物质油与蜡油在FCC装置共炼的多目标优化.中国过程系统工程年会. 20191025-27日,杭州.(口头报告)

[6]Wu, L.*; Shi, M.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, L., Superstructure design and integration of bio-oil co-processing with vacuum gas oil in a fluid catalytic cracker. Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 19-23 October, 2019 - Aghios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece. (Oral. Session Chair)

[7]吴乐*,王玉琪,郑岚,韩小龙.基于反应动力学的加氢反应器操作的多目标优化.中国过程系统工程年会. 2018822-24日,西宁.(口头报告)

[8]Zhang, Z.; Wu, L.; Saffron, C*. Investigation of Pyrolysis Reaction Pathways Using Arbidopsis thaliana Cells. The International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science, 21-24 September, 2017 - Chicago, US. (Poster)

[9]吴乐,梁肖强,刘永忠*. Integration Strategies of Hydrogen Network in a Refinery Based On Operational Optimization of Hydrotreating Units.中国过程系统工程年会. 2016722-24日,西安.(口头报告)

[10]Wu, L.; Liu, Y.*; Kang, L., Multi-objective optimization on driving options for rotating equipment in process industries to make trade-offs between economic and environmental impacts. 18th Conference of Process Integration, Modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. 15-19 July, 2015 – Kuching, Malaysis. (Oral)

[11]吴乐,朱强,刘永忠*.加氢反应过程对炼油厂加氢系统氢耗影响的分析.中国过程系统工程年会. 2015722-24日,成都.(口头报告)

[12]吴乐,朱强,刘永忠*.燃油加氢深度脱硫过程的生态环境影响分析.中国过程系统工程年会. 2014722-24日,沈阳.(口头报告)


[1]202110月 获得“2021中国智慧石油化工论坛论文一等奖(中国石油和石化工程研究院)

[2]20219月 获得西北大学优秀教师(西北大学)


[4]2018~2022年 获得全国大学生化工设计竞赛一二三等奖(中国化工学会)

[5]201809月 获得化工学术月优秀指导教师(西北大学化工学院)

Educational Experience

  • 2012.9 -- 2017.12

    西安交通大学 化学工程 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Engineering

  • 2008.9 -- 2012.7

    浙江工业大学 化学工程与工艺 University graduated Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

  • 2005.9 -- 2008.7

    西安市第83中学 无 普通高中学毕业

Work Experience

  • 2019.2 -- Now


  • 2018.1 -- 2019.1


  • 2016.9 -- 2017.9


Social Affiliations

  • 任《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委

  • 任EI源期刊《石油学报(石油加工)》青年编委

  • 中国化工学会会员

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