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  • 所在单位:生命科学学院
  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 性别:
  • 学位:博士
  • 职称:教授
  • 毕业院校:新加坡国立大学
  • 学科:生物化学与分子生物学
当前位置: 中文主页>> 论文成果
Genome-Wide Profiling Reveals That Herbal Medicine Jinfukang-Induced Polyadenylation Alteration Is Involved in Anti-Lung Cancer Activity
  • 影响因子:2.6
  • DOI码:10.1155/2017/5326909
  • 发表刊物:Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • 摘要:Alternative polyadenylation (APA) plays an important role in regulation of genes expression and is involved in many biological processes. As eukaryotic cells receive a variety of external signals, genes produce diverse transcriptional isoforms and exhibit different translation efficiency. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Jinfukang (JFK) has been effectively used for lung cancer treatment. In this study, we investigated whether JFK exerts its antitumor effect by modulating APA patterns in lung cancer cells. We performed a genome-wide APA site profiling analysis in JFK treated lung cancer cells A549 with 3T-seq approach that we reported previously. Comparing with those in untreated A549, in JFK treated A549 we observed APA-mediated 3' UTRs alterations in 310 genes including 77 genes with shortened 3' UTRs. In particular, we identified TMEM123, a gene involved in oncotic cell death, which produced transcripts with shortened 3' UTR and thus was upregulated upon JFK treatment. Taken together, our studies suggest that APA might be one of the antitumor mechanisms of JFK and provide a new insight for the understanding of TCM against cancer.
  • 论文类型:期刊论文
  • 学科门类:医学
  • 文献类型:J
  • 卷号:2017
  • 期号:5326909
  • 页面范围:Epub 2017 Nov 1
  • 是否译文:
  • 发表时间:2017-11-01
  • 收录刊物:SCI