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Assembly of high-quality genomes of the locoweed Oxytropis ochrocephala and its endophyte Alternaria oxytropis provides new evidence for their symbiotic relationship and swainsonine biosynthesis.2022:1-20
Reference gene selection for qRT-PCR assays in Stellera chamaejasme subjected to abiotic stresses and hormone treatments based on transcriptome datasets.PEERJ.2018:卷: 6
In vitro propagation of a poisonous plant Oxytropis glabra (Lam.) DC.PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE.2015:卷: 120 期: 1 页: 49-55
Effects of hypobaric growth conditions on morphogenic potential and antioxidative enzyme activities in Saussurea involucrata.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM.2011:卷: 55 期: 4 页: 783-787
Histocytological examination on organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis of HBsAg-transgenic cherry tomato mutant.PHYTON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY.2012:卷: 81 页: 51-58
The time course of NO involved in ABA pathway to improve drought tolerance in Oxytropis ochrocephala Bunge.ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM.2015:卷: 37 期: 7
秦巴山蛇足石杉繁殖方式探究及异地栽培, Provincial education department social science project
草原主要毒害草的发生规律与防控技术研究子课题——草原毒草发生规律研究, National science and technology breakthrough plan
秦巴山区蛇足石杉资源调查及快速繁殖体系的建立, Provincial education department social science project
新疆雪莲组培苗在低海拔地区衰亡的机理研究, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)