Bin CuiProfessor
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The effect of nano-doping and directly doping of Li2O-SiO2 sintering aids on the microstructure and dielectric properties of X7R type BaTiO3-based ceramics
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- Impact Factor0.0
- Affiliation of Author(s):化学与材料科学学院
- Journal:Gongneng Cailiao
- Place of Publication:国外学术期刊
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Document Code:5b75928c5fc7c422015fd8707d5d74bb
- Page Number:v 42,n 11,p2068-2072+2077
- ISSN No.:1001-9731
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2011-11-01
- First Author:崔斌