Current position: Home>> Paper Publications
Anlei Wei

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Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Paper Publications

Changes in major factors affecting the ecosystem health of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province, China


Impact Factor0.0

Affiliation of Author(s):城市与环境学院

Journal:Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

Place of Publication:国内外公开发行

Indexed by:Journal paper

Document Code:5b75928c6223b13a016229126a1d0ea9

Page Number:7(6): 875-885

ISSN No.:2095-2201

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2013-12-01

First Author:李琦

Pre One:華北平原主要河流表層沉積物磷的賦存形態及其污染風險評價

Next One:基于环境基尼系数的洞庭湖区水污染总量分配
