[1].Yaru Zhang, Yi He, Jinxi Song.Effects of climate change and land use on runoff in the HuangfuchuanBasin, China,Journal of Hydrology,2023,626,130195.(SCI)
[2].Heng Liao, Yi He.The temporal variation of sediment connectivity from 1982 to2020 in the Wei River basin, China,Hydrological Processes, 2023, 37,e15042.(SCI)
[3].Xiaoying Zhang, Yi He.Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities to Runoff inthe Du River Basin of the Qinling-Daba Mountains, China, RemoteSensing, 2023, 15, 5178.(SCI)
[4].Yanlin Li, Yi He, Wanqing Liu, Liping Jia, Yaru Zhang.Evaluation and Prediction of Water Yield Services in ShaanxiProvince, China, Forests, 2023, 14, 229.(SCI)
[5].Liping Jia, Yi He, Wanqing Liu, Yaru Zhang, Yanlin Li.Assessment of Drought Events in Southwest China in 2009/2010Using Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Forests, 2023, 14,49.(SCI)
[6]. Yi He, Haijun Qiu, Jinxi Song, Yan Zhao, Limei Zhang, Sheng Hu, Yiyi Hu. Quantitative contribution of climate change and human activities to runoff changes in the Bahe River watershed of the Qinling Mountains, China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 51, 101729. (SCI)
[7]. Yi He, Jinxi Song, Yiyi Hu, Xiang Tu, Yan Zhao. Impacts of different weather conditions and landuse change on runoff variations in the Beiluo River Watershed, China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 50, 101674. (SCI)
[8]. Yi He, Xiaohui Jiang, Ninglian Wang, Shiqiang Zhang, Tingting Ning, Yan Zhao, Yiyi Hu. Changes in mountainous runoff in three inland river basins in the arid Hexi Corridor, China, and its influencing factors, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 50, 101703. (SCI)
[9]. Yi He, Fei Wang, Xingmin Mu, Lanqin Guo, Peng Gao, Guangju Zhao. Human activity and climate variability impacts on sediment discharge and runoff in the Yellow River of China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2017, 129(1-2): 645-654. (SCI)
[10]. Yi He, Peng Tian, Xingmin Mu, Peng Gao, Guangju Zhao, Fei Wang, Li Pengfei. Changes in daily and monthly rainfall in the middle Yellow River, China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2017, 129(1-2): 139-148. (SCI)
[11]. Yi He, Xingmin Mu, Peng Gao, Guangju Zhao, Fei Wang, Wenyi Sun, Pengfei Li, Jinxi Song. Trends, periodicities, and discontinuities of precipitation in the Huangfuchuan Watershed, Loess Plateau, China, Current Science, 2016, 111(4): 727-733. (SCI)
[12]. Yi He, Fei Wang, Peng Tian, Xingmin Mu, Peng Gao, Guangju Zhao, Yiping Wu. Impact assessment of human activities on runoff and sediment of Beiluo River in the Yellow River Based on paired years of similar climate, Polish journal of environmental studies, 2016, 25(1): 121-135. (SCI)
[13]. Yi He, Xingmin Mu, Peng Gao, Guangju Zhao, Fei Wang, Wenyi Sun, Yuqing Zhang. Spatial Variability and Periodicity of Precipitation in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River, China, Advances in Meteorology, 2016, 9451614. (SCI)
[14]. Yi He, Fei Wang, Xingmin Mu, Huiting Yan, Guangju Zhao. An Assessment of Human versus Climatic Impacts on Jing River Basin, Loess Plateau, China, Advances in Meteorology, 2015, 478739. (SCI)
[15]. Yiting Shao, Xingmin Mu, Yi He, Wenyi Sun, Guangju Zhao, Peng Gao. Spatiotemporal variations of extreme precipitation events at multi-time scales in the Qinling-Daba mountains region, China, Quaternary International, 2019, 525: 89-102. (SCI)
[16].邵祎婷,何毅,穆兴民,等.秦巴山区降雨侵蚀力时空变化特征.长江流域资源与环境,2019, 28(2): 416-425.
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[18].何毅,穆兴民,赵广举 等.基于黄河河潼区间输沙量过程的特征性降雨研究.泥沙研究,2015, 2: 53-59.
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[1]. 2019年“新蚁族杯”第五届中国高校地理科学展示大赛北方赛区二等奖和全国总决赛二等奖(获奖作品:利用多源遥感数据监测中亚湖泊变化)。
[2]. 2021年全国地理研学方案设计大赛&地理研学社会调研大赛优秀奖(获奖作品:秦汉唐明话长安)。
[3]. 2023年陕西省第三批省级一流本科课程《遥感原理与应用》(4/4)。