近日,亚洲开发银行官网公布了关于我中心承担的支持中国“大型碳捕集、利用和封存示范”技术援助项目(TA项目)的相关进展及最新文件,报道题目为“China, People's Republic of: Promoting and Scaling Up Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration-Capacity Development Support to the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration at Northwest Unive”(中国:推动和扩大碳捕集与封存示范项目,支持西北大学二氧化碳捕集与封存技术国家地方联合工程研究中心能力建设)。
The proposed technical assistance (TA) will focus on providing targeted capacity development support to the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for CCUS (NLJERC-CCUS) at Northwest University, to improve the enabling environment for large scale CCUSdeployment inthePeople'sRepublicof China(PRC).The TA will (i) assess strategies and policy recommendations to improve the regulatory and commercial framework conditions for CCUS in the PRC, (ii) establish and disseminate knowledge products on the experience of CCUS deployment in Shaanxi Province, and (iii) organize international study tours, workshops and trainings for relevant institutions and stakeholders. In addition, the TA will specifically appraise and promote the application of CCUS in the coal-fired power sector. The TA is well aligned with ADB's Strategy 2020 and its development agenda of achieving environmentally sustainable growth.